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whitewater play novice paddlers 2 days
Palmer Rapids -- camping at Co-op Boathouse
Friday, June 18, 2004 to Saturday, June 19, 2004
length: 8.0km, 2 days
difficulty: novice

participants: Beth Baskin, Keith Nunn, Liam Nunn, Morgan Baskin,

We made a quick trip up to paddle at Palmer and check out the facilities at "The Boathouse", the Paddler's Co-op facility on the river.

It's just a five-minute paddle downstream, and except for the strong winds on Sat. afternoon, was just a nice warm-up on the way to the rapids. The washrooms are way better: t.p., hand sanitizer and regular cleaning. I'd encourage folk to check it out.

The paddling was good and we had a good time, thanks in part to the use of Cline's Caption. Thanks Cline! We got a fair bit of paddling in, but it was nice just to hang out and unwind too.

There were many, many classes at Palmer. It was just nuts by Piano Rock on Sat. afternoon. Ran into many instructor friends, which was nice.

Beth Kennedy loaned me her new Zoom for a bit. It's so small! It was fun and I'm considering one for my next boat (which will have to be soon, the Rival's ABS layer is starting to disintigrate).

What more can I say, it's Palmer.


posted by: Keith Nunn

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