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whitewater play 1 day
Beaver Creek (Marmora)
Saturday, April 28, 2007
length: 1 day

participants: Glenn Lee, Peter Coates,


On saturday, a mostly Ottawa based group (other than Manfred and myself) ran Beaver Creek outside of Marmora from the normal put-in, to the take-out after Fiddler's rapid (south of the bridge on Beaver Creek Rd).

The weather was overcast and on the cool side, but pretty much perfect for being in drysuits. The water levels for the Highway 7 runs were reported as being "done for the season" on the Boater Board, but it was great. Lots of water, even down through Fiddler's.

The group had 6 solo boats, 1 tandem, and 1 kayak.

A great time was had by all.

posted by: Glenn Lee

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