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scenic or casual paddling beginner paddlers 1 day
Toronto Islands paddle
Friday, April 2, 2010
length: 12.5km, 1 day
difficulty: beginner

organizer: Keith
participants: Aaron Wood, Keith Nunn, Liam Nunn, Michael Johnson, Morgan Baskin, Katherine, Josh, Georgia, and Georgia and Aaron's 4 kids


A fun paddle on a beautiful day. Highlights included the fruitless hunt for Morgan's phone on Ward's Island beach, meeting Aaron, Georgia and their kids while having lunch on Algonquin Island (near Snake), hauling over the winter bridge in the channel near the Isalnd Yacht Club, and the pub stop at the Keating Channel Pub on the way home.

Morgan paddled Beosa (a 10-foot solo boat I made for her 6-7 years ago) solo for a little more than half the trip.

It was great to be on the water with friends and family.

I forgot my camera, so I'll have to wait to get pictures from my dad.


posted by: Keith Nunn

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